In every boy and young man lies the thirst for adventure!

Developing Teaching Training Encouraging Mentoring The Total Boy For Christ


boys have participated in the ministry since 1962.


boys participate in our local groups in the US each year.


boys have earned our Gold Medal of Achievement


souls saved, friendships built, & lives changed.


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Christ-like Man In The Making

In every boy and young man lies the thirst for adventure! FMD Royal Rangers Florida is a ministry where memories are made as we help form boys into confident Christ-like men.

What is Royal Rangers about?



FMD Royal Rangers Florida values adventure. It is part of the reason why we exist! We create engaging outdoor and camping activities that are fun while young Rangers can reach their greatest potential, develop creativity, foster leadership and achievement opportunities.



FMD Royal Rangers Florida strives to help young men connect and communicate with their peers. Through interactive activities, we allow them to build their confidence, trust, and character.

Spiritual 1


FMD Royal Rangers & Assembly of God exists to provide a safe, loving, and Christ-oriented venue to experience God. In building their understanding of the importance of Christ, they can be open to receiving the Word and serving Him.

Skills. Friendship. Leadership In Christ!

FMD Royal Rangers Florida is an adventure-based ministry for boys and young men in the Florida Multicultural District (FMD). The FMD Royal Rangers teaches valuable outdoor skills and fosters meaningful friendships among boys from different backgrounds.

By spending time together in the outdoors, young Rangers learn valuable skills while fostering friendships in a Christ-like atmosphere. Becoming a Royal Ranger is where boys learn the value of servant leadership and is where boys and young men learn to foster their relationship with God.

Every journey to Godly manhood comes through guided experiences. The Royal Rangers has seven experiences that you can choose and easily customize to help fulfill the vision and practices of your church.

Royal Rangers Age Groups.

K 2nd grade

K-2nd grade

3rd 5th grade

3rd-5th grade

6th 8th grade

6th-8th grade

9th 12th grade

9th-12th grade

What is a Royal Ranger?

What is a FMD scaled


We are ready for anything! Ready to work, play, serve, worship, live, and obey God’s Word. The design of the Royal Rangers Emblem is based on the points of a compass.

A Servant Leader

This is the ministry designed to train young boys and young men to hold a positive vigilance as a Servant Ranger. The ideals of the FMD Royal Rangers represent our core principles on how we define ourselves through Christ. It reflects in the Pledge, Code, Motto, and the points of our Emblem. Iron sharpens iron within a community of men dedicated to teaching young Rangers to walk side-by-side with Jesus Christ.

FMD Royal Rangers live the adventure!

Dedicated to mentoring

FMD Royal Rangers Florida is dedicated to mentoring Royal Rangers to work with other boys by creating a team atmosphere. In doing this, a young Royal Ranger learns to guide boys in accomplishing their individual tasks. The result is a sense of self-satisfaction in their indoor activities and outdoor adventures. Royal Rangers is where a boy will learn to lead themselves by leading others.
Spiritual Growth 1


National Camporama

A special event that takes place once every four years at the national Royal Rangers campgrounds at Eagle Rock, Missouri.

National Rendezvous

A special event for members of the Royal Rangers Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) that occurs once every four years.

The National LEAD

The National LEAD Conference is an annual event for Royal Rangers organizational leaders where the latest program information and updates are announced and where organizational leaders participate in training and leadership development.

Rangers Ministry Academy Effective

Training plays a key role in ensuring the success of the Royal Rangers program. The Royal Rangers program provides many opportunities for leadership training through online, district, and national training opportunities.

Belong to something Greater. scaled

Belong to something greater.

FMD Royal Rangers Florida Ministry offers is made to give a sense of accomplishment, meaning and worth. Young Rangers can feel a part of something greater than themselves through our activities.

Cost-Effective to Everyone!

For $100 a year your child can be offset by financial assistance making it less expensive than most sports. Our ministry’s goal is to create a foundation of unity, self-worth and kindness among young Rangers that participate in the program.
A Christ 1
A Christ 2

Becoming a Man for Christ.

The FMD Royal Rangers Florida offers boys and young men the path of Christian manhood. Part of that growth is being supported through a proven process where they learn the value of patience and persistence to take ownership of their journey.


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